Northern Venture Trust PLC
Launch date | 1995 |
Share price | 57.00p |
Share price total return over 10 years | 189.9 |
Latest NAV per share | 61.7p (31 December 2024) |
NAV total return over 10 years | 183 |
No of shares in issue | 198,517,472 |
Dividend yield | 5.6% |
“Share price” is mid-market price as at 14 February 2025. “Dividend yield” is based on dividends paid and proposed in respect of latest full financial year, excluding special dividends, expressed as a percentage of share price. Total return statistics are for periods to 14 February 2025, return shown is on £100 invested, based on mid to mid share price/latest published NAV, assuming net income re-invested (source: Morningstar). In accordance with AIC methodology, figures shown over 5 years are based on NAVs excluding current period revenue; and figures shown for 5 years and under are based on NAVs including current period revenue.
Northern 2 VCT PLC
Launch date | 1999 |
Share price | 53.50p |
Share price total return over 10 years | 189.1 |
Latest NAV per share | 58.6p (31 December 2024) |
NAV total return over 10 years | 182.4 |
No of shares in issue | 221,294,669 |
Dividend yield | 5.6% |
“Share price” is mid-market price as at 14 February 2025. “Dividend yield” is based on dividends paid and proposed in respect of latest full financial year, excluding special dividends, expressed as a percentage of share price. Total return statistics are for periods to 14 February 2025, return shown is on £100 invested, based on mid to mid share price/latest published NAV, assuming net income re-invested (source: Morningstar). In accordance with AIC methodology, figures shown over 5 years are based on NAVs excluding current period revenue; and figures shown for 5 years and under are based on NAVs including current period revenue.
Northern 3 VCT PLC
Launch date | 2001 |
Share price | 84.00p |
Share price total return over 10 years | 196.1 |
Latest NAV per share | 90.5p (31 December 2024) |
NAV total return over 10 years | 181.2 |
No of shares in issue | 145,776,866 |
Dividend yield | 5% |
“Share price” is mid-market price as at 14 February 2025. “Dividend yield” is based on dividends paid and proposed in respect of latest full financial year, excluding special dividends, expressed as a percentage of share price. Total return statistics are for periods to 14 February 2025, return shown is on £100 invested, based on mid to mid share price/latest published NAV, assuming net income re-invested (source: Morningstar). In accordance with AIC methodology, figures shown over 5 years are based on NAVs excluding current period revenue; and figures shown for 5 years and under are based on NAVs including current period revenue.