Northern Venture Trust PLC

Launch date 1995
Share price 57.50p
Share price total return over 10 years 192.8
Latest NAV per share 62.4p (31 December 2023)
NAV total return over 10 years 184.4
No of shares in issue 202,695,185
Dividend yield 7%

“Share price” is mid-market price as at 24 April 2024. “Dividend yield” is based on dividends paid and proposed in respect of latest full financial year, excluding special dividends, expressed as a percentage of share price. Total return statistics are for periods to 24 April 2024, return shown is on £100 invested, based on mid to mid share price/latest published NAV, assuming net income re-invested (source: Morningstar). In accordance with AIC methodology, figures shown over 5 years are based on NAVs excluding current period revenue; and figures shown for 5 years and under are based on NAVs including current period revenue.

Northern 2 VCT PLC

Launch date 1999
Share price 54.50p
Share price total return over 10 years 185
Latest NAV per share 59.4p (31 December 2023)
NAV total return over 10 years 181
No of shares in issue 226,051,775
Dividend yield 6.1%

“Share price” is mid-market price as at 24 April 2024. “Dividend yield” is based on dividends paid and proposed in respect of latest full financial year, excluding special dividends, expressed as a percentage of share price. Total return statistics are for periods to 24 April 2024, return shown is on £100 invested, based on mid to mid share price/latest published NAV, assuming net income re-invested (source: Morningstar). In accordance with AIC methodology, figures shown over 5 years are based on NAVs excluding current period revenue; and figures shown for 5 years and under are based on NAVs including current period revenue.

Northern 3 VCT PLC

Launch date 2001
Share price 84.50p
Share price total return over 10 years 192.8
Latest NAV per share 91.7p (31 December 2023)
NAV total return over 10 years 179.4
No of shares in issue 148,866,667
Dividend yield 5.3%

“Share price” is mid-market price as at 24 April 2024. “Dividend yield” is based on dividends paid and proposed in respect of latest full financial year, excluding special dividends, expressed as a percentage of share price. Total return statistics are for periods to 24 April 2024, return shown is on £100 invested, based on mid to mid share price/latest published NAV, assuming net income re-invested (source: Morningstar). In accordance with AIC methodology, figures shown over 5 years are based on NAVs excluding current period revenue; and figures shown for 5 years and under are based on NAVs including current period revenue.